Please stay tuned - but you can get started now with our Solver App/Add-in for Excel. This course teaches you every dimension of Excel in which you learn how to use special methods, codes and tricks to have write complex codes with least codes and finally create professional programs, apps and games. But some Solver good news is coming for Mac and iOS / iPad users. So we avoid wasting our time on useless concepts which are not used in real projects. In this course, the approach is simple: learning useful and practical techniques and tools. There is online tutorial for work to teapots. So you will learn Excel from very basic concepts professional concepts, functions and formulas. Excel lessons for beginners and entry-level users who need to learn the basic functions and principles of working with the program in a short time. This course was designed for all who do not have any background but want to learn Excel very well and do professional and real-world projects. Microsoft Excel for Mac: A Tutorial for Beginners Create intelligent spreadsheets and organize all of your data in Microsoft Excel for Mac. Computer (Linux, Mac or Windows) Description.