While that's good news in that it forces me to do almost everything within Docker, it's bad whenever I need to maintain parity for whatever reason. The thing that I don't like is that it's not a Linux and many of the dev environments I've worked in run on Linux, especially now in the age of Docker. The one thing I like about OS X is that it's a BSD with GNU utilities built in. not being able to charge the thing from common chargers, the most lucrative reason for using USB-C, for me) is garbage. Also, not having USB-A ports and requiring a 90W USB-C to USB-C power brick (i.e. There are other little enhancements that I prefer Windows over to OS X, but I'm not remembering them right now. Starting applications by their binary name with WIN + R is better (for me) than trying to find them within Spotlight. (I actually miss using xmonad it was soooo good at this.) Office applications (still very real in a lot of environments) are mostly awful on the Mac. OS hotkey navigation is much better on Windows and GNOME/KDE/Fluxbox/xmonad. Finder is garbage compared to Windows Explorer.